Tradition… If you live in the north west, it is definitely one of the things you have to do every year. The period from the mid November up to Christmas marks the time when Manchester o...Read More
And there we were – half way through the trek. We had a gentle breaking- in trek on Monday and a bit of an adventure of getting lost on Tuesday. It turned out the the following few days would ...Read More
Let the Challenges Begin So the day I had been waiting and training for had finally arrived. Months of fundraising and prepping for the trek were over and it was time to fulfill the challenge I had si...Read More
This had to be one of my highlights to see the capital, its beautiful sights, to breathe in the culture and enjoy watching the hustle and bustle of the city. It has always been my dream to come to Chi...Read More
That’s it! Well, this is it… The last day before I set off to China. A fantastic day as I have reached my target! I feel over the moon and so determined to set my foot on the Wall. I thoug...Read More
Trekking Gear Challenge Some of you have been walking all your life. You know every single hill, foothpath and dirt track in your area. You have an amazing selection of walking boots, waterproofs, ruc...Read More
My county- Lancashire I am still in awe that I live in such a beautiful county… So many trails, hills and places to explore. And it is all within an hour drive in any direction you choose. I ...Read More
London – Again?! Gosh! Another weekend in London. I could get used to it or just move down there… I love this place. This time we travelled with our two kids to celebrate our friend’...Read More
The Famous Hill I guess this was my last walk and training before I set off for my Great Wall of China trek at the end of October. And what a fantastic way to finish off my training. Apparently, if yo...Read More