

BBC Radio LancashireI was invited for an interview on Graham Liver show to talk about  my trek. BBC Radio Lancashire – 9th August 2016

Follow the link here



chorley guardian

A feature in the Chorley Guardian – please follow the link here



2BR Radio logo


My interview published on 1st October at the local Radio Station, 2BR.




Connect logo

My fundraising events and my trek were featured in the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals magazine, Connect. As I work there, it was an honour to share my journey with the rest of the Trust. The article can be accessed here.


Other links


The trekCharity Challenge is organised by Charity Challenge who sort everything for you: the flights, accommodation and food. There is a massive amount of various challenges you can do nationally or internationally. Why not give it a go?


Autumn great wall of china

Places I am going to visit along the Wall.

I was doing a talk to school children today about my challenge and fundraising in general. One of the children asked me about the names of the places I am going to see. Well, I did not have a clue or idea how to pronounce them!  I attach the itinerary.


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As I have mentioned in my first blog, I am funding the trek           myself. However, I am fundraising money for the Alzheimer’s Society and have set up a Just Giving page where you could sponsor me to see me trek 50 km and living without my GHDs for 8 days! Update: my Just Giving page is now closed.